Time To Start Writing Your Christmas Song!

Christmas is a vibe, they say.

Much of that vibe is affected by the Christmas Songs playing 24/7 in the background of your life. Constantly churning the same 50-odd hits and carols over, what used to be, the airwaves, now, still the airwaves I guess, just used a bit differently.

The point being that ‘The sounds of Christmas’ are the same set of songs which, as delightful as they are, can get a little stale after 40-odd years of doing Christmas.

So why not write your own Christmas Song!? Then you’ll have you’re own special Christmas Song you can smile and sing while Grandpapa hunches over the old Joanna before the standard Christmas lunch affair.

Why not sing about how hilarious your family is at Christmas? The predictability of the drunken fights, the awfulness of the presents, or the absolute real love you all have for each other.

A few of the Christmas Songs I’ve written over the years are featured in the advert below, and every year my imaginary family gather in a circle in front of the fire, while I (bless Grandpapa’s soul) plinky-plonk on the old Joanna to accompany my family’s terrible singing.

But that never stops them having a good time though!

And you can have a great time singing your own Christmas Song by contacting me and getting to work on Your Christmas Song as soon as possible! I promise you July is the right time to start!

Email me on matthew@matthewlarge.com or go to the Contact Page to send me a message when you want to start writing Your Christmas Song.

You know you need one.

Do you really want to sing that Slade track again? And again?


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